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About me

For more than two now  years and a half, I realize portraits of all kinds. I discovered the photo through my phone, then the more time passed, the more experience, material and ideas accumulated. I try day after day to find new motivations, new ideas and new models in order to always reinvent myself. Young of my age, I try somehow to find my place in this photographic world where it is generally difficult to make a name for yourself.  

A lot of photographers say that you have to try out a number of visual styles so that in the end one comes out and really matches us. Although the idea sounds interesting to me, I think it is important to always try to step out of your comfort zone to always learn more and improve with the experience. This philosophy does not belong for me only to photography, it is more broadly about a way of life.

Since the start of this adventure, I have been sharing my work via  Instagram. Therefore, I have never known 100% self-employment, I think there are as many negative as positive aspects to it, but despite everything, I still find it very interesting to be immersed in this social dynamic. without interruption. As it says in the movie  Into The Wild, ”Happiness is only real when it is shared”.

These networks have allowed me to grow and to take a more critical look at my work. They allow me to motivate myself on a daily basis and meet new people, whether they are models, but also professionals in the field. My inspirations came to life through the different accounts that I followed. 

In the end, I consider myself to be extremely lucky, we live in a time when the relationship to others as well as the relationship to oneself and one's image has never been so complex. You might as well try to understand these elements and take advantage of them through a unique photographic vision.



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